The Elementia Universe Wiki

The Earth Witch was a ancient witch that guarded the Earth Scroll of the four Elemental Scrolls. With her three sisters, she was a daughter of the First Ender Wizard. Due to the scroll's power, she went mad.


The Earth Witch, along with her three sisters, was given one of the Elemental Scrolls to look after by their father. After he vanished however, she went mad and descended into the earth. She was not seen again for decades.

During The War of The Wastes, she reappeared as an ally of Vlad Kronin. She fought on the side of the The Death Army of The Wastes during the Battle of the Planes. During the battle, she killed the Head Wizard Lightning Dallows, but then was killed by his sister Bat Dallows.

Powers and Abilities[]

The Earth Witch had complete control of the element of earth. She also at one point commanded a magic creature, but she killed it after she went mad.

Air Witch · Bat Dallows · Earth Witch · Fire Witch · Lucina Blackhaunt · Penelope Dallows · Water Witch